First European SCAT Workshop
Daresbury Laboratory, 26-30 June 2006.
Industrial Sponsor — Apple Computers
Presentations on Monday 26 June — The presentations of representatives from Apple Computers focused on two topics: the use of podcasting solutions for e-learning, and the use of Apple software and hardware in scientific research.
Apple in Science
Dr Massimo Marino gave the presentation "Mac for Science: from Data Analysis to Publication, seamlessly". It consisted of an overview of Apple presence and commitment to science, the appealing traits of Mac OS X for researchers, and real life examples of use of a platform today posed as ideal for scientific research.
Contact: Massimo Marino, Apple Computer Europe, Ltd.
European Research and Scientific Programs
ph. +44 (0)20 7184 1000
Podcasting for E-learning
Alan Greenberg, Apple's EU manager for Education, discussed the recent and influential uses of podcasting technology integrated with iTunes for delivery of classroom materials. Examples of this use of the technology can be found in Berkeley, Stanford and other major US universities.
A case study in the UK was also discussed, with a presentation by Dr Bill Ashraf from Bradford University, who made the BBC news recently with his podcast of lectures. Dr Ashraf came to Daresbury on Monday afternoon, invited by Apple to discuss his experience.
Another case study was presented of the use of podcasts to disseminate science: the project of adding podcasts to the programme of the CERN Webcast Service. The presenter was Dr Sylvano De Gennaro, who also came invited by Apple.
We also had the welcome participation of Apple's Gordon Shukwit, Senior Manager with Apple US Education Solutions. Gordon gave a lively presentation on e-Learning and Apple solutions for education.
More on podcasting at the SCAT project's Online Learning page >>
Contact: Alan Greenberg, Apple Computer Europe, Ltd.
ph. +44 (0)20 7184 1147
Apple's podcast creation guide PDF:
Podcasting overview, iTunes podcast environment, audio recording with QuickTime Pro, GrarageBand, etc.;

Group photo at the Monday session of the meeting, with the representatives from
Apple Computers, and the guests Dr Sylvano De Gennaro and Dr Bill Ashraf.