Second European SCAT Workshop
Paris, 25-29 September 2006.

The city of Paris needs
little introduction.
- Deadline for Registration: 12 Sept. 2006
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The SCAT partner institutions in Paris will jointly host this scientific meeting. They are: the Laboratoire de Modélisation en Mécanique (LMM), which belongs to Pierre and Marie Curie University, and two labs from ESPCI —the Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique (LOA) and the Laboratoire Physique et Mécanique de Milieux Héterogènes (LPMMH).
ESPCI was founded by the end of the 19th century, after France lost the best school of chemistry of the time, due to the German annexation of Alsace and Lorraine. The new school soon became the center of scientific activity in the areas of physics and chemistry. The brothers Pierre and Jacques Curie started in 1880 their studies of the electric properties of crystals, leading to the discovery of piezoelectricity. In 1897, Marie Curie started her studies of radiation, leading to her joint discoveries with her husband of the new elements Polonium and Radium, and to their being awarded the Nobel prize in 1903. Other prestigious members of this school are Paul Langevin, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes and Georges Charpak.
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), or Paris VI, was built in the 1950s. The Jussieu campus soon became a symbol of scientific endeavour in the heart of Paris. In 1968, the Paris Faculty of Science was divided into a number of different universities. The University of Paris VI, set up in 1971, was the main heir to the scientific tradition; it shares the Jussieu campus with University of Paris VII and the Paris Geophysical Institute (Institut de Physique du Globe). In 1974, Paris VI adopted the official title "Université Pierre et Marie Curie"; it is now the largest scientific and medical complex in France, active in all fields of research with achievements at the highest level.
Conference Thematic Focus
The thematic focus of this meeting is on Mathematical Modelling and Challenges in Computational Science. The following four sub-topics will be emphasized:
- Turbulence
- Granular flows
- Interfacial hydrodynamics
- Bio-mechanics
Invited Lectures
The following speakers participated as invited lecturers:
- Arnaud Chauviére, Politécnico Turin
- Georges Debrégeas, LPS-ENS
- Stéphane Popinet, NIWA (Australia)
- Olivier Cadot, ENSTA (Paris)
Conference Programme PDF:
Daily programme of activities, and scientific presentations.
SCAT meeting template in PPT:
Use this template for preparing PowerPoint presentations for the Paris meeting.
The meeting was held in LMM-University of Paris VI, located at 4 place Jussieu (Mon.-Tues. sessions), and ESPCI, located at 10 rue Vauquelin. Both locations are in the Vth Arrondissement, one of the central arrondissements of Paris, in the left bank. The two closest Metro stations are Jussieu (for LMM-University of Paris VI) and Place Monge or Censier Daubenton (for ESPCI). All these stations are on Line 7.
See the location map on the ESPCI website >>
Location map of University of Paris VI (P. et M. Curie) >>
Rue Mouffetard
One of the city's oldest streets, rue Mouffetard is a few steps away from the campus of ESPCI in rue Vauquelin. Its famous street market has been traced to the 14th century, and today's various ethnic restaurants offer a wide choice of delicious foods.
Conference Fees
Conference fees for SCAT members correspond to the 25% co-financing of the SCAT meeting allowance, according to the "General Rules" document. This document is available in the project's Blackboard site, and all members are required to inform themselves of its contents.
SCAT members | €150 (4 days) €187.5 (5 days) |
Academic, non-members | €250 |
Meetings and Events
Related Information
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie
- Lab. de Modélisation en Mécanique
- Lab. Ondes et Acoustique
- Lab. Physique et Méc. de Milieux Héterogènes