Home / Meetings and Events / IRPHE, Jun.07

Third European SCAT Workshop and Summer School

Institut de Recherche sur Phénomènes Hors Équilibre

Island of Porquerolles, 4-10 June 2007.

daresbury laboratory

School in partnership with CNRS


This event is locally organized by the SCAT partners at IRPHE, and has received additional support from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Hence, all students and researchers of the CNRS will be fully funded.

The research institute IRPHE is a "mixed unit" of research of the French system (unité mixte de recherche), which means that it is jointly run under the CNRS and a university. In this case, in fact, the unit belongs to two universities: Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I) and Université de la Méditerranée (Aix-Marseille II).

Island of Porquerolles

Fort du Grand Langoustier,
Île de Porquerolles.

IRPHE was created at the beginning of 1995, grouping together a research laboratory in combustion, and two institutes focused in fluid mechanics. Its general themes today are multidisciplinary and mainly centred on the modelling of complex systems; it includes experimental studies, analytical and computational studies. The specific subjects vary among energy, hydrodynamics, oceanography, condensed matter, biomechanics, and biophysics.


Thematic Focus

daresbury laboratory

Vortex sheet image by A. Verga

The thematic focus of this workshop is in the theoretical basis, modelling and computational study of fluid vortices and vortex sheets.

Vortices and vortex sheets are fundamental constitutive elements of large Reynolds number flows. They are present on the smallest scales of turbulence as well as on large scale in the form of coherent structures. They have their own dynamics and are extremely receptive to external forcing. They are also subject to complex interactions which may lead to their recombination (vortex merging) or disappearance (vortex breakdown or bursting).

The objective of this summer school is to provide a comprehensive overview of the different physical mecanisms involved in the stability and dynamics of vortices and vortex sheets, to introduce the numerical tools and theoretical methods used to describe their evolution, to discuss some applications in the aeronautical context.


Announcement Poster PDF

Poster in A4 size, announcing the workshop and summer school in Porquerolles, 4-10 June 2007.


Summer School Lecturers

  • L. Barba, Univ. Bristol (UK)
  • P. Brancher, IMFT Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
  • J. Crouch, Boeing (Seattle)
  • U. Ehrenstein, IRPHE
  • L. Jacquin, ONERA (Meudon)
  • R. Krasny, Univ. Michigan
  • T. Leweke, IRPHE
  • S. Le Dizes, IRPHE
  • M. Rossi, LMM, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris)
  • P. Schmid, LADHYX, École Polytechnique (Palaiseau)
  • A. Verga, IRPHE
  • G. Winckelmans, Univ. Louvain (Belgium)


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The programme will be announced soon.


SCAT template for slides in PPT:

If you use PowerPoint, you can use this template for your presentation at the Third SCAT workshop and summer school.

SCAT logo in JGP:

If you use LaTeX, perhaps with the Beamer package, you can use this image if you want to include the SCAT logo on your title page.


Mini-courses in the following topics are planned:

  1. Vortex dynamics and stability
  2. Transient growth and control
  3. Numerical methods
  4. Aeronautical applications

Download Course Descriptions

Course descriptions will be posted here, as they become available.


Airplane Trailing Vortices, Instabilities, and Control

Vortex systems behind aircraft, vortex-pair instabilities, and active control of vortex breakup. Lecturer: Dr Jeffrey Crouch, Boeing (Seattle).

General concepts in stability theory

An introducion to general concepts for stability analysis of shear flows. Lecturer: Prof Peter Schmid, École Polytechnique.

Numerical global stability analysis and control in non-parallel open flows

Perturbation analysis using global temporal eigenmodes, and applications in flow control. Lecturer: Prof Uwe Ehrenstein, Université de Provence.

Vortex Instability

Basic concepts of vortex stability, shear instability, centrifugal instability and swirling jets. Lecturer: Dr Maurice Rossi, Université de Paris.

Computing vortex sheet motion

Presenting Lagrangian particle methods for computing vortex sheet evolution in 2D and 3D. Lecturer: Prof Robert Krasny, University of Michigan.

Theory of vortex sheets

Foundations of vortex sheets, including Birkhoff-Rott equation and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. Lecturer: Prof Alberto Verga, IRPHE.

Vortex particle and vortex-in-cell methods

Presenting both the theoretical and practical aspects of simulating unsteady 3D incompressible vortical flows using the vortex particle and VIC methods. Lecturer: Prof Gregoire Winckelmans, Univ. Cath. de Louvain.



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The workshop and summer school will be held at the Centre IGESA, on the Island of Porquerolles, Hyères, France. This is one of a three-island group directly to the South of Hyères, and South East of Marseille (where IRPHE is located).

The Centre IGESA is in the village of the island of Porquerolles, 5 min by foot from the port. It belongs to the armed forces of France as a recreation and meeting location.


How to get there

Get to the Island of Porquerolles by plane, train or car.


Bureau d'Informations de Porquerolles >>




Note: Fees are all-inclusive: full board lodging, and all conference expenses.

Fees per person, by category [1]
SCAT members [2] €750 (5 days)
Academic, non-members [3] €750
Industrial participants €750
Students €450
  1. All fees have a €50 discount when sharing a double room.
  2. Fees for SCAT members are paid directly by the SCAT coordination office (75%), while the 25% co-financing will be funded by the local organizers (IRPHE).
  3. For academic members of staff in other institutions (not members of the SCAT network) the fees cover the full cost.

Student financial support

Students attending the short courses receive a discount on the all-inclusive fees. This is reflected on the table above, i.e. a total of €450. As this school is jointly supported by CNRS, there are no registration fees for students and researchers paid by CNRS.




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Contact Information


Local organizing committee:

Dr S. Le Dizès



SCAT Project manager:

Mr. Boris Drappier

+44 117 331 1805

Dept. of Mathematics

University of Bristol


General Enquiries: