Home / Meetings and Events/ Santiago, Sept-Oct 08

4th Latin American SCAT Workshop

hosted by Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile, Santiago

Santiago, 29 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2008.

unam library laboratory

The Faculty of Engineering building
of University of Chile.


This event is locally organized by the SCAT partners at the Universidad de Chile, with the support of the SCAT coordinating office in Bristol.

Universidad de Chile is the largest university of the country, heritor of the San Felipe University founded in 1647 during the Spanish colony, and later re-founded in 1842 during the first years of the Chilean republic. It has had an important impact on the development of the country and in the formation of its professionals and leaders. Most of the Chilean Presidents and the two Nobel prizes of Chile where former students of this University.

University of Chile is a complex university, covering all areas of knowledge, research and creation and doing about one third of the total research performed in Chile. The  Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas hosts the School of Sciences and Engineering, with more that 3500 undergraduate and graduate students. There are 35 graduate programs in engineering, physical, mathematical and earth sciences. The Physics Department — which is the main partner of the SCAT project— participates in three of these programs: MSc and PhD in Physics, PhD in Material Science, and PhD in Fluid Dynamics.

unam library laboratory

Santiago is dominated by the majestic
sight of the Andes mountains.

The Physics Department, founded in the sixties, is housed in one of the historic buildings of the campus built in 1922. Although some isolated research activities were performed before the founding of the Physics Department, especially in the Laboratory of Nuclear Physics, a new impetus was acquired with the creation of the Department. Nowadays is has several active groups in: material science, solid state physics, magnetism, space physics, nonlinear physics, statistical mechanics, fluid dynamics, nuclear physics, crystallography, and gravitation. Many of these groups do intensive numerical computations, to which purpose there are two clusters, one for parallel computations and the other for intensive sequential simulations. Also, two large research projects are hosted in the Department, the Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research in Materials (CIMAT) and the Anillo Dynamics, Singularities and Geometry of Matter out of Equilibrium.


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Thematic Focus

SCAT closing meeting — This meeting will be the closing event of the 3-year SCAT project, with an opportunity to reflect in what we have accomplished.
air pollution laboratory

Computational science involves
applied mathematics, algorithms
and numerical methods, and an
application area.


The thematic focus of this workshop is: "Developing a Vision for Advanced Computational Scientific Research in the Region."

The objective of this workshop is to bring together members of the SCAT project in Europe and Latin America with scientists in Chile, to discuss the techniques and needs for Advanced Computational Scientific Research in the Region. We plan to have scientific and technical discussions about different numerical techniques and approaches, and the best tools for dealing with them.

In the workshop there will be place for seminars, short courses and open discussions. The workshop will take place at the Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas with the aim of allowing researchers and students from physics, earth sciences and engineering departments to participate.

As in all SCAT events, the focus is on scientific research, and international collaboration. In this opportunity, examples of specific topics of interest include:

  • Advanced algorithms
  • Numerical methods, numerical analysis
  • Computing techonology: harvesting the power of new hardware
  • Parallel computing
  • Application-specific developments


Poster Announcement

Announcement "Satellite School on Numerical Methods"

Open to students of any field interested in learning advanced numerical methods. If interested, please contact Prof. Alvaro Nunez for further info: alnunez@dfi.uchile.cl


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The programme will consist on research presentations by attending SCAT members, as well as by invited scientists and graduate students at University of Chile.

As has become a tradition in SCAT meetings, we take one afternoon off for a social event. This will be announced soon.


Conference Programme (PDF)

Daily programme of activities, courses and scientific presentations.


Course Descriptions

There will be a series of short courses during the "Satellite School on Numerical Methods". Descriptions of the courses will be added here as they become available.

Lagrangian transport in oceanic flows

By Prof. S. Wiggins and Dr. M. Branicki.

Dynamical systems concepts applied to Lagrangian transport in oceanic flows defined as finite time data sets: theoretical and computational issues.

Generation and destruction of vorticity structures

By Prof. M. Rossi

Discusses the mechanisms responsible for the presence of vorticity in a flow, and causes for disruption of coherent structures.

Parallel Multicore Programming

By Prof. S. Gonzalez

Discusses how to use multicore programming to increase performance in physics simulations. Recognizing parallelism, shared memory, threads and OpenMP.

Phase transitions in disordered systems

By Prof. J.-P. Clerc

Review of second order phase transtions, modelling of phenomena which include long-range connections, e.g. epidemics and forest fires.

Natural hazards and numerical simulation

By Dr. L. Staron

Use of numerical simulation for studying and predicting the behaviour of catastrophic flows, focusing on problems arising from granular flows in particular.

Parallel scientific programming

By Dr. M. Ashworth

An introduction to the theory and practice of parallel programming through a series of short lectures coupled with practical programming sessions.

Meshfree methods and vortex methods

By Dr. L. Barba

An introduction to meshfree methods including vortex methods and smoothed particle hydrodynamics.



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The conference and satellite school will both take place in the University of Chile Beauchef campus, Engineering Faculty. The address of this campus branch is: Beauchef 850, Santiago. A map of the campus will be inside your welcome pack!

Map of the Metro network

The conference hotel is on Metro Line 1 Station Santa Lucia, while the Beauchef Campus of University of Chile is on Metro Line 2 Station Toesca.


Conference Hotel

For accommodation, the local organizing committee has arranged a block booking in a hotel located in downtown Santiago: the Carlton House Apart-Hotel, which provides the chance to book an apartment for the price of a hotel room!

The address of the hotel is: Maximo Humbser 574, Santiago. Phone: +56(0)2 638 3130, and email: carlton@hotelsantalucia.cl

Hotel information

Facilities, rates and bookings, and some transport tips from the airport.

Deadline for booking — 22 September 2008 — You must call and book with your credit card; cancellations have a one-day penalty.




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Meetings and Events

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Contact Information



SCAT Project manager:

Mr. Boris Drappier

+44 117 331 1805

Dept. of Mathematics

University of Bristol


General Enquiries: