Online Learning
The SCAT project for Scientific Computing Advanced Training is developing online materials for self-learning in the subject of scientific computing. Many of the skills needed in computational research are obtained by self-study. Programming computers is like riding a bicycle, you have to actually do it to learn. But many helpful tools can be devised to help: guides, lecture notes, videos, code snippets. We are working to put together a set of online learning material. Visit our site often!
The word "podcast" is a combination of "broadcast" and "ipod" (the hugely successful portable media player by Apple Computers). It is a term that has been coined to refer to a new medium, which combines easy home-production of recorded audio, with a system for distributing the media over the internet using RSS (Really Simple Sydication).

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A podcast is analogous to a recorded radio programme, with the advantages that one can "subscribe" via software such as iTunes to download new episodes automatically, and one can transfer the media to portable players to listen to at any time.
Very recently, there has been a wave of initiatives to use podcasting in education. Several universities in the US have started recording the audio of lectures, and providing these for download, so students can listen and review the lectures at any time. Examples are: University of Washington, Harvard University, and Stanford University.
Within the context of the SCAT project, we are experimenting with podcasting technology for e-learning, so that we can reach our partners in Latin America and Europe with the audio of lectures and meeting presentations.
View Apple's Educational Podcasting web page >>
- View the SCAT podcasts webpage.
Apple's podcast creation guide PDF:
Podcasting overview, iTunes podcast environment, audio recording with QuickTime Pro, GrarageBand, etc.;