Short courses
First SCAT Summer School
Location: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Dates: 4-12 January 2007
Focus: Advanced Scientific Computing and Applications.
Announcement: See the corresponding SCAT Meeting webpage.
Description: The summer school provided thof scientific computing. The series of lectures focused in hands-on learning of parallel e opportunity for local students and staff to learn about the latest technologies and methods programming, working with Beowulf clusters, grid computing, and specialized scientific libraries.
There were also a series of mini-courses in applications: microfluidics, turbulence, granular flows, nanostructures, among others.
Second SCAT Sumer School
Location: Island of Porquerolles - organized by Institut de Recherche sur Phénomènes Hors Équilibre, IRPHE.
Dates: 4-10 June 2007
Focus: Fluid vortices and vortex sheets.
Announcement: See the corresponding SCAT Meeting webpage.
Description: The objective of this summer school is to provide a comprehensive overview of the different physical mecanisms involved in the stability and dynamics of vortices and vortex sheets, to introduce the numerical tools and theoretical methods used to describe their evolution, to discuss some applications in the aeronautical context.