Collaboration Hub

We use technology for
distance collaboration
The SCAT project includes both routine and experimental use of distance collaboration technologies, to ensure that scientists who are geographically separated can fully participate in the joint research projects and supervision of grant-holders.
This area of our website provides instructions and access points for the different distance collaboration tools being used by the SCAT members.
The project has been provided with a space in the University of Bristol's Blackboard server. Blackboard is an online learning environment, but we have found several uses in distance collaboration.
Since Blackboard is accessed via username and password, it provides a secure online area for the SCAT project. Only the SCAT members can view its contents and participate in its Discussion Forum. Thus, we have placed there all private project documents (budgets, expense claim forms, presentation slide files, progress reports, etc.) that we do not wish to publish on the public internet. We also use digital file exchange tools, group email and group discussion tools, and online surveys.
In the Discussion Forum provided by the Blackboard environment, the SCAT members can discuss online issues relating to the project's actions, supervision of grant-holders, preparations for meetings and events, and of course scientific topics.
Coming up!
- Video conferencing
- AccessGrid
- Storage Resource Broker
- Versioning system