First European SCAT Workshop
Daresbury Laboratory, 26-30 June 2006.
Industrial Sponsor — Intel Software
Presentation on Friday 30 June — Vadim Roussin will present an overview of the benefits and the value proposition of Intel software development products for code generation and performance analysis - including compilers, performance libraries, VTune Performance Analyzer, Intel threading tools and cluster tools.
James Cownie will then present Cluster OpenMP, a new addition to the
Intel compiler suite. Cluster OpenMP allows slightly modified OpenMP
programs to be run on a commodity cluster, providing an easier way to
port programs to clusters than having to explode them and recode in MPI.
Contact: Vadim Roussin, ph. +44-118-944-7816
Intel Software Development Products
Intel software development products help you create highly optimized applications for Intel processors, putting Intel's unique hardware expertise to work in your software. They provide standards-based support across Intel architectures and compatibility with industry-leading development environments in Windows and Linux; source and binary compatibility with GCC (3.2 and above) and Microsoft Visual C++; and
substantial Compaq Visual Fortran compatibility.
Intel Software Summary PDF:
Description of Intel Software Development Tools.