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Projects for Grant Holders


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SCAT partners

Applicants to the SCAT project mobility grants are asked to choose a host institution, and suggest a research topic. It is understood that before making this suggestion, the applicant has discussed it with the local SCAT representative, and with the potential host.

Here, we provide additional material to guide the applicant in selecting a host and a research project. The potential supervisors in the host institution provide suggested topics of research for the applicant to consider, but these are not exhaustive. Moreover, if the applicant wishes to suggest a research topic to his host, this is quite alright.

Host institutions in Europe

Grant-holders from Latin America can spend their mobility period in one of the European partner institutions. A few grants allow for joint-hosting between a European university and Daresbury Laboratory.

Host institutions in Latin America

Grant-holders from Europe can choose to apply for a mobility grant to work at one of the four partners in Latin America, listed below.


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