Third SCAT grantee to complete his mobility
January 2008

César Gomez spent six
months in Paris, at UPMC.
Paris— Post-doctoral fellow César Gomez has finished his research visit to Paris, where he worked with Prof. Joel Frélat. César was a PhD student at IMPA, in Rio de Janeiro, where his supervisor was Prof. Jorge Zubelli.
After his SCAT mobility grant to France, César has accepted a position as post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, in MacMaster University, Canada.
He is the third SCAT grantee to complete his period of research abroad. Previously, Helmut Wahanik and Leonardo Gordillo have finished their visits.
Personal statement
Here is the personal point of view of César Gomez, on his SCAT grant:
"Well I think that my case is particular, let me explain this. At the time I participated in SCAT, I had done all my studies in South America, so it really made a difference to me. I went to Paris, and during that time besides working on my own research problems, I could attend seminars and learn about the latest trends in my reseach area. There were many experts, among the best reseachers in my field, presenting their latest own work on seminars.
So I think for someone who comes from South America, to be able go to France that has a traditionally good scientific comunity, it always makes a difference. Not only the scientific knowledge, but there are also some other issues like, the way our colleges work in different countries, the way the science administration is managed. I think then that there are so many things to learn about during an exchange experience like SCAT.
I had the opportunity of discussing my research with a colleague that was actually the author of a paper containing some ideas that inspired my PhD thessis. Some other aspects of those conversations can become future research projects, so of course this has an impact in one's work.
You also make scientific contacts and if lucky like in my case you can learn or improve a new language. I learned so much French; this gives you for example the chance of considering other bibliographies in your research.
I think projects like SCAT are very important; the grantees are not the only ones who benefit from it, but I think in the future the impact of projects like SCAT reaches the students and collegues that have contact with these grantees for example. I will be grateful for ever for this opportunity"
Cesar's mobility report
Describes the visit and results of the research collaboration during the grantee's mobility.
Certificate of Completion
Cesar Gomez' project title: "Optimal Portfolio Allocation in a Stochastic Volatility Market" .
Contact Information
Project leader:
Project manager:
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Bristol
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