The Hartree Centre for computational science is announced
July 2008

An evening view of the reception
of Daresbury Labs.
Daresbury, UK —SCAT partner Daresbury Laboratory will build The Hartree Centre, a "new kind of computational sciences institute for the UK."
With initial funding of £50 million just approved from the Large Facilities Capital Fund, the Hartree Centre will be built and equipped. It will become an international research institute of the highest caliber, bringing together academia, government and industry to focus on development of effective numerical simulation for the strategic themes:
- Energy Technology
- Biosciences and Health Care
- Climate Change and Environment
- Global Threats to Security
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Digital Economy
As described in the Press Release of the Department for Innovation, Universities & Skills (DIUS), this first stage of funding is part of a multi-million pound investment programme to develop large-scale research facilities throughout the UK.
The Hartree Centre will combine a programme of grants, knowledge exchange and service activities, within a highly collaborative structure. For example, it will host extended visits from UK and overseas academics and students.
Our partnership with Daresbury Labs means that all SCAT members can in the future participate in these exciting activities!
For more information, conctact SCAT member Dr David Emerson.
Presentation of Dr Richard Blake
Describes the vision and activities of The Hartree Centre. Presentation given at the workshop "Extreme Engineering - Opportunities Using Petaflop Computing", held at Daresbury on July 17, 2008
Contact Information
Project leader:
Project manager:
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Bristol
Contact us: