Another SCAT grantee going back home
September 2008

Eduardo took some time at the end
of his mobility to travel in Europe.
Barcelona —SCAT grantee Eduardo Sufan is a final year student of Mechanical Engineering at Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, where he is submitting his thesis this year.
He was hosted at the Technological Center of Heat and Mass Transfer, CTTC, at Catalunya Polytechnic University, where he lived an intense training period in subjects related to the numerical simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow. During 10 months, he developed understanding of control volume methods, linear solvers, solution of convection-diffusion equations, and more.
Like several other of our SCAT grantees, Eduardo also took some time at the end of his mobility period to travel in Europe. His experience will no doubt make him better prepared to face the challenges of an engineer and perhaps a budding scientist.
We wish him the very best in his future!
Eduardo joins the growing list of SCAT grantees that have finished their research visit and gone to other successes:
Personal statement
Here is the personal point of view of Eduardo Sufan, on his SCAT grant:
"During these ten months of work here in the CTTC in Spain, I've learned much more than I was expecting to. Being here has opened my mind about the world of numerical simulation, and I've seen that it is so much larger than I once believed. It's a world that has many horizons unexplored and that's was makes it so attractive.
When I arrived at the lab, I had almost no experience with programming in C++ but I had all the enthusiasm to learn . As time was passing by, the problems that I had to solve via programming where more difficult and the codes more extensive and of course, the coma or the minus sign that is impossible to find gave me hours and hours of headache, and my enthusiasm was decreasing. But in the end when the program was running and the results were satisfactory, it makes you feel a great pride and somehow experienced. And these are the moments that make every bad moment go away and makes it all worthwhile.
I also believe that this time has made me different in a personal sense. During this period I've gotten to know people from a lot of different countries and they all share in one way or another the culture of their countries. Thanks to that you change the perception about your own country and the way of life there.
I really feel thankful about the SCAT project and all the people behind it, such as Lorena and Boris. It has changed my life in full perspective from the moment they told me that I was accepted for the mobility grant. Thank you! This experience will be in my soul forever. And I wish that in this world there were more people that take this kind of initiatives to make it better, to change things by helping others like me that don't have the possibility to go out and study what you're called to.
I hope in the future to be able to return this favor to human kind, by doing something useful for the scientific community.
Thanks again, Eduardo Sufan"
Eduardo's mobility report
Describes the visit and results of the research collaboration during the grantee's mobility.
Certificate of Completion
Project title: "Numerical solution for heat transfer and fluid flow problems".
Contact Information
Project leader:
Project manager:
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Bristol
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