
The Final Report is delivered in Brussels
Nov. 2009 — The final report of the SCAT project has been produced and delivered to the ALFA office in Brussels. Our counterpart there had nothing but praise for what is estimated to be one of the most successful projects of the ALFA II programme!

Another SCAT grantee going back home
Sep. 2008 — Eduardo Sufan is a final year student of Mechanical Engineering at Universidad Santa Maria. He carried out a research stay at the Technological Center of Heat and Mass Transfer, CTTC, in Barcelona, and now returns to finish his final year thesis.

A chance to learn, and also play
Aug. 2008 — SCAT grantee Guillermo Oyarzun is a fan of soccer ("futbol", in Latin America). In Barcelona, he was happy to find kindred spirits, so he was able to mix his learning of computational fluid dynamics with a weekly practice. He has returned to Valparaiso, Chile, bringing many memories to cherish of his stay in Barcelona.

A new successful grantee story
Aug. 2008 — Luis M. de la Cruz got his PhD from UNAM, after which he was offered a position at the Research Directorate of the computing centre DGSCA. He put this position on hold to travel to the UK and spend 10 months carrying out research at Daresbury Labs. Now he is back in Mexico, enriched by the experience and with new friends.

The Hartree Centre at Daresbury
July 2008 — SCAT partner Daresbury Lab receives funding for The Hartree Centre, "a new kind of computational sciences institute for the UK." It will combine a programme of grants, knowledge exchange and service activities, within a highly collaborative structure. SCAT members: watch out for the visitor programme!

SCAT grantee finishes mobility in Paris
June 2008 —Victor Romero did an 8-month research visit to Dr Benoit Roman at École Superieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles. He now is a joint student of a "cotutelle" programme of Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) and Universidad de Chile.

4th European SCAT Workshop
May 2008, Bristol — Focused on Computational Science and Engineering: a truly interdisciplinary field, to discuss the latest developments in computer simulations in all areas of science, this event included for the first time research presentations by SCAT grantees. There were also invited guests from the extensive HPC community of Bristol.

SCAT grantee receives Presidential honor
May 2008 —Claudio Torres, who did a 10-month research visit to Dr Lorena Barba at University of Bristol, has been awarded the prestigious Beca Presidente de la Republica de Chile. He has recently started the PhD program in Applied Mathematics at Universiyt of Delaware, USA.

More SCAT grantee success
March 2008 —Thomas Séon is the first European SCAT grantee making a research visit to Latin America. He spent one year as a post-doctoral fellow at University of Chile, and now has gone on to another postdoc at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Another success for SCAT helping secure a brilliant future to a young scientist!

Third Latin American SCAT workshop
March 2008, Rio de Janeiro —Focused on Computational and Mathematical Challenges in Waves, Wells & Weather, this event included a series of presentations by SCAT members as well as Brazilian scientists, and guests from other Latin American countries as well.

The second Interim Report is sent to Brussels
Jan. 2008 — The SCAT coordination office has worked hard to produce the second Interim Report, describing the activities of the 10 months of the project from February to Noember 2007. In total, SCAT has now awarded 19 mobility grants and held 6 international meetings.

Third SCAT grantee to complete mobility
Jan. 2008 — César Gomez, a PhD graduate from IMPA, has completed a 6 month stay in Paris. He worked on the the area of financial mathematics, under the supervision of Prof. Joel Frelat at Université Pierre et Marie Curie.

5th SCAT selection round
Dec. 2007 — At the 2nd Latin American Scientific Workshop, in Mexico, we completed the 6th selection round for mobility grants. In this opportunity, five more grants were awarded, one of which will allow a post-doctoral fellow from Paris to spend 8 months in Chile. The other four will allow latin american students a period of research in Europe.

2nd Latin American SCAT Workshop
Nov. 2007, Mexico —Focused on Mathematical Computation for Development, Resources and Environment, this event included a series of presentations by Mexican researchers, and featured the attendance of 15 Mexican students, thanks to additional funding by CONACyt.
See more news items in the archive (year 1) >>
Contact Information
Project leader:
Project manager:
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Bristol
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